
Monday 25 March 2013

Truly, Jonathan Should Resign By Taopheeq Bamidele Rabiu

Although I am a regular follower of news and events in and about Nigeria on many fora including online social media, I seldom found any subject that warrant my comment as most issues and comments in recent times are all and about the same, even though they come in different fashions and from different and sometimes apparently conflicting avenues. Most events, news and comments/commentaries indicate that Nigeria is rapidly becoming (if indeed it has not!) a failed state with directionless and incompetent leadership.
However I am constrained to make these comments in the light of recent events in Nigeria and other parts of the world. After reading your report of today (January 24, 2013) on Sheikh Gumi's sermon titled "Repent And Resign, Gumi Tells ‘Evil’ Jonathan;Says IBB, Obasanjo, Buhari, Atiku, Must Be Banned To Cleanse Nigerian Politics", I cannot but agree with the cleric on his assessment of Mr President. Perhaps, for the first time, I sincerely align with his views about the president.
Misleading a nation is a serious crime against the nation and calls for the highest reprimand.It is obvious that Mr President knowingly misled us on the October 1, 2010 bombing at Eagle Square, Abuja if not on any other occasion (although there are so many examples!). All commentators have hailed the South African judiciary on the conviction of Henry Okah for the 2010 Abuja bombings without remembering that he was convicted not only as himself but as the leader of MEND (clearly stated by the judge; see video at This is the same group that Mr President had exonerated from the act by a presidential pronouncement hours after the attacks (see videos at and Whatever was/were Mr President's motive(s) is/are irrelevant.
I, and I believe many Nigerians, followed the recent and on-going process of nominating the next US Secretary of State with keen interests as we do for most issues about the world's greatest model of (?)democracy. President Barack Obama had to drop Susan Rice as his preferred nominee following allegations by congress that she misled the nation about the Benghazi attacks that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 other Americans. What was her crime? She, allegedly acting on talking points prepared by the intelligence communities, stated at the UN that the attacks were carried out by people protesting the anti-Islamic videos. Later findings have largely pointed out that the attacks were coordinated and carried out by terrorist groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda.
I passionately watched American congressmen and women as they also grilled Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton on the issue yesterday. It was clear that the offence of misleading the country, whether it was intentional or not, is certainly a crime of the highest order in a nation where the elected representatives of the people are up to their callings. Where are the members of our national assembly? No where!!!
Given the status of Mr President and the intelligence reports that would have been provided at that highest level (including the fact that the government and its intelligence apparati were allegedly warned of the planned bombings {see again}), one is left without any other option than to conclude that Mr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan,Ph.D, GCFR, knowingly misled the nation on the issue of the October 1, 2010 bombings. The President need to tell us, as has been done in the US, what his sources of intelligence information on that issue were. Also the intelligence Chiefs, who are being paid to guarantee our safety, the DG-SSS, IGP, NSA, CDS, COAS, CAS and the CNS, all need to give information about what they know before, during and after the events. Such information need to be de-classified (in case they are said to be classified; they should take a cue from the praises heaped on Mrs Clinton yesterday for her openness regarding the questions asked at the US congress).
The Okah case (unless our national assembly plans to appeal against the judgement of the South African court!) is enough ground to impeach the president in the event that he fails to willingly resign from office and restore the dignity of the exalted position. God save our country.
Taopheeq Bamidele Rabiu
Leiden, The Netherlands
January 24, 2013


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