
Wednesday 20 February 2013

460 Nigerians Deported… Evil atrocities of Mugabe Exposed

NIGERIANS in Zimbabwe are presently passing through hell and torture in the hands of Robert Mugabe’s security operatives who are bent of dealing with every Nigerians carrying ‘green passports’ legally resident in Harare due to the government’s hatred for Nigeria.
Over 460 Nigerians deported in 10 months
The documents in our hands from NIZ showed that over 460 Nigerians have been deported in the last 10 months. Lots of Nigerians have been remanded in prison in the last 12 months on Mugabe’s order.
Nigerians with legal permit cancelled
To show that there is more to this xenophobic as a result of envy and jealousy of Nigerians entrepreneurial spirit, Naija Standard gathered that Nigerians with legal permit to Harare have their permit cancelled on entry and deported most times with no genuine reason. Worst still, Nigerian owned businesses are forcefully taken over by government agents.
$250,000 spent on lawyers and tickets to deport Nigerians
Zimbabwe security agencies often force NIZ to cough out so far the sum of
$250,000 in a period of few years now to hire lawyers and buy air tickets for Nigerians whoa re eventually deported. In the exact words of Benson, President, NIZ in a statement sent to us entitled ‘How Nigerians are being treated in Zimbabwe’, he said: ‘When Nigerians are arrested, they are taken to remand prisons and are not allowed to visit or collect food from fellow Nigerians. This rule is for Nigerians alone from Zimbabwe immigration to the prison authority.”
Nigerian Woman, 32, Son, 8 months locked in Harare Remand Prison…for over 30 days
To the satanic security operatives, age is not a barrier to them to inflict the highest degree of suffering, inhumanity and frustration on Nigerians irrespective of the age. In a document made available to us by Nigerians in Zimbabwe (NIZ), a Nigerian woman of Igbo extraction, 32 years from Mbaise, Imo State was locked up in a remand prison in company of her
8 months old son for turning down ‘sexual advances’, whom Zimbabwe security agencies alleged to have defaulted in immigration processes. They spent a period of 45 days in underground cell.
Robert Mugabe is evil- Tendian Munya, a Zimbabwean
In Southern Africa, Mugabe is highly loathed for his wickedness, even among his own people. Tendian Munya, a Zimbabwean woman married to a Nigerian opened the Pandora box I an exclusive interview with us. Her
words: “Zimbabwean men use their women like condoms, impregnates them and abandon them with no respect. Only Nigerian men care. By the time Zimbabwe Immigration know you are married to a Nigerian man, they show their hatred to the Nigerian immediately. President Robert Mugabe is an evil having a man’s look. Our women live in fear daily. And they come under threat if a Nigerian man is involved. Our president and men use us (women) as they wish. They know how to divert our minds away. They only target our in-laws who are Nigerians married to us. Once Nigerians are mentioned, our security operatives rise like a wounded lion.
“My sister, Sibo, also married to a Nigerian man is suffering now; not only written on her face, but all over her body. We are only managing with the little money my in-laws’ relation in Nigeria send to us to survive. My sister’s first born is 13 years old girl, while her last born is 8 years old. Since 2000 that my sister got married to a Nigerian in Harare, the government has refused to issue a marriage certificate to her husband Mr.
Monday Munkwacha, after allowing him to spend fortune. Zimbabwean security and government have no feelings because they have a heart of stone.”
Messy deals of Nigerian Embassy in Zimbabwe…How he sells Nigerian out (Documents attached)
Nigerians greatest dilemma is Mamman Nuhu, Nigeria’s Ambassador to Zimbabwe who daily goes to Mugabe to pay obeisance and turn in ‘cooked-up indicting documents’ to incriminate his fellow Nigerians to earn accolades in Harare. Benson said “Nigeria Embassy support the Zimbabwe immigrations against Nigerians by supplying them with fictitious evidence to prosecute Nigerians in court. A test case is where a Zimbabwe Immigration Officer, Mr. Kondo went to the Nigerian Embassy to verify a certain Nigerian dual citizenship. The Embassy without any investigation gave the Zimbabwe immigration man a verification letter alleging that the said Nigerian have dual identity and that he is the same person.”
The Ambassador letter reads: “The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Zimbabwe and has the honour to refer to the latter’s Note Verbal No CX/A/190 of 19th January, 2012 and to hereby verify as follows:
‘That according to our records, the Nigerian citizen Anayochukwu Olisa alias Innocent Nwaolisa is the same person as reflected on the attached documents. Olisa is the shorter or abridged form of Nwaolisa which is in consonance with Nigerian tradition where names like Babatunde are shortened to Tunde among the Yoruba’s and Abdulrahman simply as Rahman among the Hausa ethnic group’. The embattled Nigerian went to court with a team of foreign lawyers and he won the case in Zimbabwe High Court. This was how Nigerian Ambassador to Zimbabwe was ridiculed in Harare.
Position of NIZ to Federal Government Delegate from Abuja
Benson said: “We told the delegate that the Zimbabwe immigration after their arrest of Nigerians will not bother to inform Nigerian Embassy and would hold on to the Nigerian passport for as long as possible, mostly to a period of eight months or more. Also, we told the delegate that Nigeria Embassy does not send representatives to court whenever Nigerians are taken to court nor do they follow court proceeding on any matter relating to Nigerians. We explained to the delegate that Ambassador Mamman Nuhu threatened to deport Nigerians who dare Nigerians that dare come to the embassy to demonstrate, since he has connections in Zimbabwe and Nigeria.
He claimed he is ready to deal with any one of us. After our maiden meeting with the delegate from Nigeria and staffers of the Nigeria Embassy, we requested to have another meeting with the delegate through the embassy which he turned down.
“We were told by Sani Bala, head of Federal Government delegate that the Nigeria Embassy cannot help us. In my opinion, the delegates are protecting Ambassador Nuhu and his officers. It is over 5 weeks the delegate came to Zimbabwe, till now they have not presented their reports.
On Maltreatment of Nigerians
The position of NIZ exposed the torture of Nigerians in Harare. Benson described it as this: “Nigerians are continually being maltreated by Zimbabwe Immigration. Most times, many Nigerians are arrested unlawfully and detained, after been severely beaten. Nigerians are being pressured to pay huge sums of money for legal representation. Zimbabwe Immigration refuses to honor court order in favor of Nigerians. Their immigration have wrongfully deported lawful Nigerians with legal permit by forcing Nigerians to pay a refundable deposit of $1000-$4000, which they never refund whenever they deport the Nigerian. Many Nigerians married to Zimbabwe ladies have been separated, families destroyed, children denied love and care of their fathers.”
Zimbabwe Media used as ‘hatchet job’ against Nigerians
‘Herald’, a state owned newspaper in Zimbabwe and few other privately owned publications are being used daily to ‘cook up bad stories’ against Nigerians in crime committed by nationalities of other African countries.
Their aim is to incite hatred and create possible xenophobia attack against Nigerians.
Names of Zimbabwe security officers who hate Nigerians
According to the documents with us, “Zimbabwe Immigration officers like Mr. Charamba, Mr. Mabika, Mrs. Lesley Chakauya, Mr. Evans Siziba, Mr.
Kondo and Mr. Prosper Kambarami are enemies of Nigeria. Siziba has just been transferred from their head office to Harare airport. For all these reasons, their security operatives give no respect for Nigerian diplomat.
Demand of NIZ to President Goodluck Jonathan
Benson’s letter reads: “Based on the attitude/behaviour of Zimbabwe Immigration and government to Nigerians, we are using this medium to call on President Goodluck Jonathan to order for reciprocation and break in bilateral relations with Zimbabwe. Ambassador Nuhu has not met with the generality of Nigerians, even after many calls and several invitations by leader of Nigerian community to hear their plight. 15,000 Zimbabweans in Nigeria make money mostly illegally and many of them are living in Abuja, Delta and Port-Harcourt illegally; yet they move freely. Nigerians here are subjected to inhuman treatment. The latest torture in Harare is their head of police telling Zimbabweans security to harass Nigerians. Almost any Nigerian caught without valid papers are forced to pay the sum of
$1000 as bribe. Lastly, we appeal that Nigeria’s minister of foreign affairs should invite the leaders of Nigerian community to hear more of this revelation from us.”

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